Mixing hobbies with exercise (birding)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Jogging at the Hazel Bazemore Park is pretty peaceful. It is an excellent spot to go bird watching and get your exercise on.  This has always been one of my favorite places to come to just to clear my mind. Every time my husband and I would drive through this park, I always wondered out loud, that it would be an awesome place to run. I was in no shape before to jog the entire park until now. Every other morning we come here, we spend the first half of our time here jogging, and the other half going through trails and bird watching.

If I had a better camera I would totally get pictures of the amazing birds we have seen. Here is a small lest of the few birds we have seen so far.
  • Green Jay
  • crested caracara 
  • belted kingfisher
  • great kiskadee
  • cooper's hawk
  • American Kestrel 
  • Red-tailed Hawk
  • Greater Roadrunner
  • Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
  • Baltimore Oriole 
  • Ruby throat humming bird
  • eastern kingbird
  • couches kingbird
  • olive sparrows
  • mocking birds
  • cardnials
  • house sparrows
  • Long-billed curlew
  • white tipped doves, Inca doves, morning doves, white winged doves, common ground doves, and Eurasian collared doves
there's also a bunch of other birds there that i have been having a hard time identifying. going trough the trails you'll see tons of tiny little warbler type birds hopping from tree to tree. during the spring time there are tons of humming birds that i have never seen in my bird book. it's amazing.


Going through the trails

View from the top of one of the trails. i jog this entire track every other day. there's more up hill action to the left, but it is all covered up by trees. i will try to get a better picture soon.


Khristina said...

I've never heard of a Green Jay before. They are gorgeous.

Myrahhh said...

Green jays are amazing! i love them seeing them. they always blow my mind with their beauty.