Beautiful Saturday at the farmer's market!

Monday, August 18, 2014

I won a 20 token credit for the local Forsyth Farmer's Market here in Savannah Georgia!  I was and still am pretty excited about it! Lol.  I just love the area and how friendly all the vendors are. If you are ever in Savannah or live in the area, you should definitely check it out. They have locally grown veggies, fruits, honey, coffee, sweets, pastas and bread!

With my 20$ in tokens, I got local honey, fresh focaccia bread and roasted pepper & ricotta ravioli!  Not really good diet food, but I couldn't help myself. Pasta and fresh bread are my weakness! It was amazing! So was the honey on the focaccia bread!

Yum yum

I was a little worried that my stomach ulcer slowed down my weight loss process. But I was wrong!
Drinking a ginger root beer zevia!