August 7th 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

After being MIA from working out for a week and a half, I am finally back! I did a quick workout this morning and instantly felt great. My stomach is still weak and my energy is low, but I felt great to get the endorphins flowing.

I joined the Walgreens fitness rewards program. Still not sure what will come out of it, but hey, can't hurt right? Lol.

I am finally down one pant size. I can fit into my size 12s now and it feels great. I am slightly annoyed because I have to buy new jeans now. I didn't really get to wear my nice jeans I bought on my Texas jeans for long. This is when consignment shopping comes in handy. Trade in my name brand 14's and get "new" Jeans.  :)

Here's more food porn!  :

Ginger Chicken with Rice noodles and lightly cooked veggies

Homemade JalapeƱo popcorn

Snazzy cookies that I didn't buy. They sounded delicious though!