July 10 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Well, I wrote this long entry and for some reason my phone copied and pasted the last entry instead of the one I just wrote. Ack, super freaking frustrating. 

Any who, sometimes when we work hard to lose weight, it doesn't really turn out the way we wished. Skin gets loose and flabby. Sometimes we lose fat in areas we don't want to lose fat in. Like in the boobs. So far I have gone down a whole cup size. Seems like there's a possibility of going down another cup. 

September 2013                            July 2014

But on the up size I am almost down another pant size. I started this journey at a size 16, and am currently in a size 14. By the end of the month I should be able to fit my size 12 jeans comfortably.  They are currently a little tight on my thighs and hips. When I first started this journey I was wearing a size 22 and got down to those size 12 jeans. I was also almost able to fit a size 10 at my thinnest.  

I'm proud of myself for making it to the halfway point of my first goal. So far I have lost 15 lbs and I have another 15lbs to go! This time around seems alot easier. Each week that goes by, I gain more and more energy to work out.