It's been a while..

Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's been awhile since I last posted anything. I wonder if there's still readers out there? Any who,  a lot has changed. I have been going through some health problems.  Not 100% sure what it could be, but we believe it could be lupus.

For awhile I felt like I needed a change. Got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I used food to comfort me on the days I felt  shitty. I didn't gain as much as I originally thought I had. Which is good, but still, I knew better.

Six weeks ago I made the choice to fully cut meat out. I've done this before and didn't really follow through.  This time, I noticed the effect of cutting meat out. I have more energy and dont feel weighed down anymore. Mentally I feel a lot better. It's like I finally feel the way I should be feeling. I am glad to have pintrest. Might post my favorite vegetarian recipes soon!!!!!

So far, by cutting out meat and making better choices. I have lost 6 pounds. Only 9 more lbs to go till I'm back to where I was on my last post. ;)