This day in 2010

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I am really happy to say it’s been a year since I kicked my soda habit. Before I kicked the habit I was drinking soda maybe 3 times a day. Now I am drinking a lot of water and coffee. Very rarely I will have a jack & coke, but that only when it was a special occasion. I really can’t stand the taste of any soda anymore. It just feels like I am drinking acid and I always feel dehydrated after I drink one.

I am grateful I have kicked the soda habit.

Annnnnd I have kicked sugar out of my coffee. The only thing I take with my coffee now is just cream. The weather is starting to cool down in the evenings, so that means I will begin my afternoon jogging again. I have gone 100% gluten free, and it feels really good to be getting back on track.