damn it, lol.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

When it comes to our health, it’s easy to think that we are invincible. Some of us smoke cigarettes and some of us binge drink alcohol knowing that it is bad for us. Yet we still do things that harm our body. We completely neglect that fact that food can harm us just as bad. Sometimes we know better and still indulge in greasy fast foods and super sugary treats.

Annnnnnnd it’s so easy to fall off the healthy life style bandwagon. Sneaking in some sweets every once in awhile slowly turns to sneaking in sweets every day. Drinking sweet sugary beverages slowly turns into a nasty addiction, where you HAVE to have it or you’ll have an awful day. Or worse, you get angry at your significant other/co-worker/children.

Maybe it’s because we are afraid to change or maybe it’s because we don’t have a strong willpower? Whatever excuse we make to justify our gluttony with bad food just isn’t going to cut it. There are plenty of healthy choices out there, yet we choose to turn our nose in the air and head near the closet burger joint.

I will admit that I have a vicious cycle of falling off the healthy life style bandwagon. It’s easy. Sometimes I didn’t even realize I was eating badly. Even after going gluten free and feeling happy, I still managed to go back to eating gluten and feeling like crap. I never really went back into drinking soda thankfully. Soda was the hardest habit to kick. Eating bad food for nostalgia is a bad thing. Lol. I tried to justify that eating it every once in awhile was okay, only if it was in moderation. Boy was I wrong…. Lol.

And here I am, starting this healthy life style all over again. I am really excited to try this all over again. My taste buds have changed, so healthy eating isn’t so boring anymore. the only thing I am going to miss is the cinnamon coffee cakes and sandwiches from the publix deli. So far I have been gluten free for a week. I am slowly learning how to enjoy coffee without a hint of sugar.