opps... my bad.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Yesterday I forgot to take my vitamins and supplements. I have no energy to do anything. I didn’t even feel like getting out of the bed today. I had a hard time working out last night and now I don’t even have the motivation to make some breakfast. It’s crazy how I forget one day to do something, and the next day is completely thrown off. My plans for this morning was to jump on the treadmill for a good 30 minutes, eat breakfast, clean up a bit and jump on the treadmill again for another 30 minutes. I don’t feel like doing jack shit, and I defiantly don’t feel like doing my blog today. Lol.

I already had an idea of what I wanted to blog about yesterday for today, but I completely forgot. I think it was something about different diets and blah blah blah. Wow this sucks. I need to just force myself to eat right now and take my vitamins. Maybe I can save the rest of the day? Oh I hope I hope I hope I really hope so.

I should have saved today for an off topic day and should have blogged about pandas.