Full length mirror freak out. (lol)

Monday, November 15, 2010

The other day I got bored and decided to go to Wal Mart and try on some pants. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen myself in a full length mirror. When I finally saw myself, I flipped out. My waist to so much smaller and my upper body is a lot smaller. It’s crazy.  I can’t wait to take my monthly weight loss pictures to compare to October 26th’s picture.  I had stopped obsessing over my weight loss since I saw October’s pictures. Even though I am technically 2 pounds lighter since then, the weight lifting I have been doing has helped out a lot.  I haven’t been running as much as I should be, but I pretty much do my weight lifting every other day. I plan to get back into running every day. It’s just hard to motivate myself into running some days. I do slip up and not want to exercise. I am not awfully worried about it because I eat pretty healthy every day. The only slip up I have food wise is French fries.  That’s honestly the worse food I eat. I have a hard time kicking French fries. But I don’t eat it as often either. I really don’t see the harm in having French fries every once in awhile.

I think tomorrow I will post some pictures. Of what I am not sure yet, but I am impressed with all the fat I have lost in my lower back. I have been thinking about getting a tattoo there, but my husband keeps telling me I should tattoo that spot when I am finally done with my weight loss. I’m just excited, I’m just a nerd for new tattoos.

i also forgot to post a picture of Arti yesterday.


illnomyourheart said...

Aww that's so awesome, Myra! Weightlifting makes ALL the difference. Although you don't see the results on the scale you can definitely see it in the mirror and even just feel it. I love exercising (when I do) it makes me feel so good! :) Keep up the good work!

And I LOVE the panda at the top. :D

Myrahhh said...

Thank you Miss Lady. <3

And i love the pandas on top to. i got giddy when i saw them and had to put them on my page. lol originally i had peacock feathers. lol