Crash and fad diets are a piece of shit

Thursday, November 11, 2010

To me a crash diet should be considered to be a type of eating disorder. The definition of an eating disorder is extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues. People are constantly pushing their bodies to the point where they might be harmful. Deprivation diets and intense exercise can be extremely harmful to your heart. Why do people think that it’s okay to push your body so hard? Times have changed and food has changed.  Food portions at restaurants have tripled, which are causing people to become fatter and fatter.  People aren’t as active as they used to be. People are sitting on their asses all day watching tv, staying on the computer or staying on their beloved video games all day. Then they wonder why they are gaining all that weight. Well, since I have been exercising and changed my eating habits, I no longer feel sorry for people. It’s like they have an excuse for everything. It’s not hard to get off your butt and go for a walk; it’s not hard to give up soda or other junk food. You have to be willing to change. One positive change to your life style will reward you and will inspire you to make another positive lifestyle change.  It’s like a domino effect. 

With more and more people gaining weight, more and more crazy diets are popping up left and right. Some diets tell you to eat nothing but cottage cheese, eat cabbage soup, and just eat lima beans for a certain amount of time. Sure you’ll lose weight, but you will also make you sick. Rapid weight loss can lower your metabolism and cause you to gain all that weight back eventually. Not to mention that a long term low calorie intake (anything below 1,000) can lead to heart damage. All that “yo-yo” dieting can cause heart muscle loss which leads to all sorts of heart problems.  

People are so impatient and want rapid results. They never consider that the crazy diet they are doing can lead to death. I don’t know about you, but I am not dying to be skinny. If you really want to lose weight or be fit, you should stick to a healthy life style change and stick to it.  I know I’ve said this a lot, but losing weight takes time.