Saturday, July 5, 2014

 Last month I bought a 1-month gym membership on groupon. In a way I felt the gym membership was distracting me from my workout routine. Its a tiny gym and there were a ton of machine hogs. No problem, I made the best of my time there by running on the treadmill.

Well, yesterday was my last day at the gym and I was a bit sad because I really loved running on that treadmill. So today I decided that I should start running at the park. I did a lot better than I thought I was going to do. I am really optimistic that adding the running twice a week to my circuit training and light weight training is going to awesome. Lol.

i am really happy with the way my weightloss progress is coming along. so far my legs are toning up nicely and my arms are starting to look better. in fact with my previous workout routine never toned my upper body and legs like this time around.