Coffee is my addiction. So much so, that I get super angry if I don't have my coffee. My head will hurt and I'll be in a rotten mood all day. The first thing I think of when I wake up is coffee and the last thing I think of when I go to sleep is coffee.
This is why I decided to cut down on coffee. I went an entire week without coffee when I had a bladder infection & stomach bug. The first day was miserable but after awhile I didn't miss it as much. Now I have a caffeine sensitivity and can't really handle drinking it every day.
I switched to decaf coffee and I still get the enjoyment of a hot cup of awesomeness. The smell of coffee is intoxicating, and it soothes me when I am stressed. I don't think I'll ever give it up 100% but I do think cutting down is a possibility.
I don't like to load my coffee with sugar or milk. I'll only drink it black. I'm not a big fan of sweet beverages.
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