Spiders, mushrooms, and snakes... oh my

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I started my jogging yesterday. The burn feels so good. I am a little sore today, but it was totally worth it. I forget how much I love this. I love the endorphin rush you get after exercising. It makes you feel happy and full of life. This morning I am in a wonderful mood and I slept great last night.

My husband and I went jogging at the Tom Triplet Park here in Pooler Georgia. We didn’t jog the track, instead we jogged the trails off in the woods. I really wish that I had my camera, because you wouldn’t believe the size of the spiders out there. Omg, it was outrageous. Also because of our recent line of storms we had last week, there were ton of crazy looking mushrooms growing. They were beautiful. The woods in Costal Georgia is waaaay different than Southern Texas. But none the less, it’s just as fun. I always felt that it’s always a good idea to mix your outdoor hobbies with your exercise routine.

In this case we mixed my husband’s hobby with exercise today. He is an outdoors kind of man. Anything dealing the with the Georgia woods, he’s as happy as a kid in a candy store. There are so many plants to discover and there are so many animals to see. It’s never a dull moment out there. Luckily there were no snakes out. Not that I have a fear of snakes, I actually love snakes to death. I just don’t want one, who blends in with his surrounding to spring forward and bite me in the ankle. This has happed twice to my husband. But thank god it has never been a poisonous snake. Youch.

Today we plan on doing more exercise. Since I am alittle sore I assume that we are going to a nice brisk walk, but I could be wrong. My husband could push me into running. Lol it’s always a good thing to have an exercise partner you push you… but I know my limitations for now. I have to work my way back up to the level I was last year when I lived in Texas. This reminds me, I need to buy another curling bar.